Saturday, December 19, 2020

while it's quiet

 When the builder and his crew are here I try to stay out of the way.  I love to pop outside and see what they're doing, but for the most part I wait until they're done for the day before I take pictures.  Since it's a quiet non-building day, I decided to get some interior shots for a change.

Looking toward the back - the stairs to the basement will be in that far corner.  Between the large window on the left and the door will be a wall. The corner with the window will be the bedroom, the side to the right will be part of the living room.

Looking down the building toward the front - the bathroom will be on the right and the kitchen in that far right corner.  Dining room/living room combination along the left side.

The front third of the house will have raised ceilings.  I don't think they're quite high enough to call them cathedral...

The front door leading to the connecting room.  This is what keeps it legal according to our town's code; connected by a heated space to the main house.  Mom plans to fashion it into a small sitting room.


Checking on my boys from the living room window.  I can't wait to make this view permanent!

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