Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Raise the Roof

 Days 28 and 29 were all about the shingles, baby!

Day 28 they shingled the entire pasture side of the house.  Day 29 they put up the trusses, sheathing, and shingles on the middle room, plus did 90% of the back side of the roof.  When the sun is out, the shingles are nearly the same color as the metal roofing on Mom's house.  

The builder convinced me to switch from metal roofing to shingles because of the extreme height of the pasture side of the house.  Snow falling from there all at once would pile up in front of the garage and man doors like cement, and I'd have a devil of a time keeping them clear.  After discussing the pros and cons of each type of roof, we went with shingles.  My main issue with a shingled roof is that they eventually have to be replaced, and I don't want that headache.  These shingles have a 50 year warranty, so hopefully they'll be someone else's problem, 'cause I'll be long gone by the time they need replacing.

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