Ain't nobody lovin' this.
It's no fun when you get a dumping of snow before the ground freezes (or after it thaws), and this storm was made even worse by being heavy, wet, and mixed with rain. We probably had at least 10" of snow, but the rain beat it down to an even 8" after it was all done and over with. Trying to plow, snowblow, or shovel this kind of snow is akin to moving wet cement. Everything was coated in a thick layer of wet snow, and the sheer weight of it, coupled with brutal wind gusts, brought down tree limbs, entire trees, power lines, and utility poles all over the southern part of the state. We were one of the 40,000+ people left in the dark for two and a half days, and it was one more day after that before our internet was restored. That doesn't sound so bad, but we as a society have grown to depend on our modern conveniences. I am certainly no exception to that; I nearly cried when we had running water again.
The contractor came down on Sunday and cleaned up the building as best he could, then opened up the driveway and building site a little more with his Bobcat. My plow guy did the best he could, but his big, heavy truck was nearly mired in the mud near the house. The Bobcat is lighter and was able to get into smaller areas.
Our internet cable, hanging low.
The mulberry tree lost a few limbs, and the little birches I had carefully chosen to keep down front were bent over with snow. We'll see if they recover, but more often than not they don't straighten back up.
Monday , Day 24, was more snow pushing/moving/dumping, and more cleanup. There was a little construction going on; they walled up the downstairs. Not sure why they covered the window frame, but there must be a reason known only to the coven of tradesmen knowledgeable in all things house-building.
Day 25 was pretty quiet. I did get my garage door, and I absolutely LOVE it.
The roof trusses are delayed, unfortunately. They were supposed to be here at the end of this week, but they won't get here until middle of next. In the meantime, I'm not sure what's going to happen. I don't think there's much they can really do until the site is completely thawed and dried.
And there's more rain and snow on the way, of course.