I've taken down the fence around the vegetable garden and started putting up an all-encompassing fence around it, the shade garden, and the perennial holding beds. I'm hoping to deter future woodchucks from ravaging my plants. So far I've been able to get the front fence up, using the sections of wrought iron fence, old deck railing, and a set of vintage gates I picked up last summer.
Since that section of ground is nothing but stones and ledge, I decided to use grade stakes as posts. Also, I couldn't afford the iron stakes that would match the iron fence...yankee ingenuity strikes again. We'll see how long the grade stakes last.
I had some sections of old picket fence that I wanted to use up the sides of the gardens, but they don't follow the slope very well. I've decided to go with three foot tall chicken wire fence and metal posts for the remainder of the garden. I'll have to run it behind the front fence to keep the vermin out, so when it's done it should look pretty gnarly...which is fine by me.
I've also put out Jack and Tawanda for Halloween, along with some witches I was recently gifted. I had wanted Jack & T to be in the cauldron, getting cooked by the coven, but no matter how I arranged them it looked absolutely obscene. I settled for this display:
I'm calling it, "Witches?!?!? In OUR town?!?!? *gasp!*"
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