Just when you think spring has arrived and maybe you can get out and do a little work on the property...
...winter says, uhhhh NOPE.
Well, it is March after all. We've had wicked Nor'easters on April Fool's Day, so you can't count the weather out just yet.
The storm didn't stop a couple of young Tom turkeys from their daily trek.
And a small flock of Red-winged blackbirds showed up at Mom's feeders.
Meanwhile, inside the house, seedlings are beginning to emerge.
Three of my broccoli seeds have sprouted, and they're already getting leggy.
Now, I know that to fix leggy tomato plants you can transplant them into larger pots, burying them deep. The little hairs on the stems are actually roots, so they'll quickly spread under the soil and anchor the seedling a little better. I had no idea if that was also a solution for leggy broccoli seedlings, so off to the world wide web I went. The verdict? Yes, you can do the same. Instead of climbing through the mess that is my storage shed searching for small plastic pots, I'm going to use toilet paper tubes.
I put a small amount of seed starting soil in the bottom of the tube, dropped the broccoli seedling in there peat pellet and all, and filled it with more soil. Hopefully that will give them a chance to bulk up their stems before they really start leafing out.
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