Saturday, May 15, 2021

I Blame Pat Boone

 Days 120 and 121 were made up of me listening to the builder and the plumber tell me what a nightmare my super duper old lady Pat Boone-made-me-buy-it tub is.

I should in full disclosure mention that my tub isn't the same brand Mr. Boone hawks, but it's pretty close to the same.  

Anyway, there are all kinds of plumbing related issues with my awesome tub that went over my head, and they had to cut a hole in the media room ceiling to reach the underside of the pipes and whatnots.

Live and learn.

The downstairs bathroom/utility room got a ceiling that brings me back to my elementary school days...

The pain in the butt tub got a surround...

The dryer got a vent and the washing machine was put in place...

And the place had a good vacuuming and tidying up.

The plumber should be back soon to finish hooking up the various things which require water, and the heating guy was here to hook up the things which require propane, and the electrician will be back to do the last few things which require electricity.

In the meantime, I painted my front door...

Unboxed my new microwave...

And liberated a truckload of stuff from my storage unit.

I'm hoping I'll be able to get the rest of my crap moved in before I have to pay another month's rent on the unit...fingers crossed.  And even if I'm moved in, the fridge is still on hold until June 6th, and the propane company won't be out to install my tanks until June 16th.  A minor bump near the end of a very long, winding road. 

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