Sunday, January 17, 2021

Something Old, Something New

 Day 44 was boring electric work again. What's a girl to do for excitement while waiting?  Floor shopping!

Mom and I headed out to Marden's in Maine yesterday to see what they had for overstock vinyl flooring.  Soooo many options.  Mom was looking for flooring for the middle room and I was looking for something for the media room/den. I wanted to go with a more natural wood color in that room, but  something that looked like weathered grey wood for the rest of the house.  Mom found a grey wood for the middle room, and I liked it so much that I've decided to use the same throughout the upstairs and the mudroom.  For the media room I went with a slightly wider plank honey colored wood.

Marden's is a great resource for flooring, carpets, and furniture.  These options are LVP flooring and light commercial quality, 100% waterproof, and only $2.29/sq. foot.  Considering my flooring budget was $5/sq. foot, I'm glad I bought it...when I saw Marrrrrrrden's!  (Locals who have seen their commercials will now have that jingle stuck in their heads for the rest of the day.  You're welcome.)

Then it was a trip to West Newfields, Maine today to look at some timbers.  My builder came up with a great idea for the half wall at the stairwell; he suggested an upright beam at the end of the half wall, a smaller one on the opposite side of the stairwell, and a matching piece of board to cap the wall.  I found an antique timber dealer close by and Mom and Neil headed over with me to choose my lumber.  I ended up with these beauties:

They are just gorgeous.  Every mark is a little piece of history.  The beams were pulled from an 1800's barn that was located in Cambridge, Maine.  It was dismantled in 1850 and moved to a different site in the same town.  The board, 15+ feet long and just over 11" wide, was from a 1774 cape located in Barnstead, New Hampshire.  I mean, how cool is that?  Right now they don't look all that great because they're wet from being outside. Once they dry, they'll be amazing.

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