There's been a lot going on the past few days, so let's get caught up. Day 32 saw the return of the concrete crew, who prepped the basement for pouring the floor. Day 33 marked the arrival of the concrete, and work resumed in earnest.
They're baaaaaack. |
The first pour was in the middle room. They had popped a section of the flooring up and poured in through the opening.
A second cement truck joined the first and they moved on to the garage floor. They poured through the window and garage door.
The crew then worked their magic on the cement and by 5:00 that night, there was a beautiful floor in my garage.
While all that was going on downstairs, upstairs the builders were working on more interior framing, and soffits along the eaves.
Here's the hallway in front of the bathroom. The box to the left will be a linen closet outside of the bathroom.
This is a broom closet in the hallway, just outside my bedroom.
And this area to the right is the closet in my bedroom.
Could it get any more exciting?
Hold onto your hats.
Day 34 saw the arrival of windows and doors, woo hoo!
They started with the single windows and doors along the front.
Ain't they purdy? I think so! We wanted to match the windows on my mom's existing house as best as possible, which meant windows with grids. Or grilles. Or muntins, if you're so inclined. Whatever you call them, I'm not a huge fan. So...compromise. Grids on top, open on bottom. I actually wasn't expecting that, but I do like it. Aaaaand a basic door.
The scary part was watching them put in the big picture windows. All of the windows are custom ordered, so if they dropped them, it would be an expensive accident. There were a few white knuckle moments, but these fellas are professionals, and they did a great job.
The boss is happy, or just relieved it went so well.
And don't they look great? I didn't want grids (or grilles, or muntins) in these windows, because I wanted as little interference as possible when I looked out onto the pasture. I absolutely love them.
And I have no idea how I'm going to clean the outside of them.
The back of the house might look a little off kilter with only one window, but the stairs going to the basement are on the other side. There's no way I'd be able to clean a window in that spot. It'll be a great wall for my extensive collection of artwork. ("Dogs Playing Poker", an old Duran Duran poster, etc.)
Would you look at that view. Man, I cannot WAIT to stand in front of those windows and just enjoy the morning.
Now on to Day 35, wherein I get my downstairs window and door...
...and my French doors. Sacrebleu!

Who's a happy girl?