Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Deck Be Gone

 So the rest of the deck is off, and the house looks a little bit naked.

Once again we called on Corey and his Big Ol' Tractor to give us a hand.  He lifted one end of the deck frame with a forklift attachment, and he and I (mostly him) pried the deck off the house.  He was able to move it in one piece.

tiny photos by Sue (my mom)

 I had him set the frame aside where it can take up space until I get the chance to start cutting it apart, most likely next year.  In the meantime, if anyone asks, this is where we'll be having the live band every Friday night.

We also picked the walls for the best stones and stashed them nearby.  Disturbing an underground yellow jacket nest kind of cut that project short, but we managed to get a nice stockpile started.

Permit is also in hand, sooo 




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