The bank has been cleared of the remaining brush, more roots have been pulled, rocks have been picked and raked (and yet, there are always more), and the bank is ready for phase one of the garden.
Bonus - I found three patches of Jack-in-the-Pulpit plants that had
been growing in the underbrush. I dug them up and will replant them in
the shade garden.
I ordered a bunch of raised bed kits last year, and put four of them together so far. These cedar raised bed kits were from a website called Best Choice Products. It's kind of an overstock-type site, and they have limited amounts of items. I'm all about saving money, so I created an account and now earn reward points with every purchase. Points can be used as discounts toward future purchases. They don't always have the lowest prices, but if you time it right you can get some pretty good bargains. These beds are 8'x2', and cost about $40 each. Now they're at $82 each, so I did pretty well. BCP is also part of the Rakuten network, which I also subscribe to, so I get cash back with every purchase. And now, back to the project...
Behold! Beds.
First I set them on the bank until I found the configuration and spacing that I wanted. I left quite a bit of room between the beds so I can get my garden cart around them.
I then set out digging into the bank (hello pick-axe, my old friend) to level out the bed areas. This was my original plan for the other section, but ambition is a cruel mistress and, well...blocks. I'm now torn between using this area for veggies or for perennials. I think for this year at least, I'll use these beds for produce.
Three of the four beds done. Once the last one is in, I'll fill them with a mixture of the 50/50 (soil & compost) I had delivered and peat moss (to lighten the 50/50). I have onions and scallion sets that have been patiently waiting to be planted that will go in the back beds. Then it's on to the other beds, but that's for another post.
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