Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Thawing

Ahhhh, spring-ish!
The snow is finally gone and yard work has commenced.  I have to admit, I'm sad that I don't have my own yard yet, and a little lost because of it, but there's enough to do for Mom that will keep me busy.  
My tomatoes are out of control and I've had to pinch them back to keep them from getting too leggy.  When I transplanted them into bigger pots, I did bury them as deep as I could.  Something I never realized before is that those little white hairs on the tomato plant stem will actually become roots, so burying the stem works well to support leggy plants.
My peppers and radicchio are not as spectacular, but they're still alive.  I need to set up my container gardens and replant some of my cool weather crops.  I did plant my peas a few weeks ago, so I'm on track with at least one crop.

The bank behind these pots is one of my future projects - I'd love to create a terrace garden here.
And check out my latest Craigslist score!

This is an 8'x3'x3' fiberglass structure that was used to cover some kind of electrical transformer.  The seller had two, but I was only able to get one of them.  It's going to make a fantastic raised bed planter!  It's open top and bottom, so drainage will not be an issue.  I won't be able to use it this year, because I'm not sure where I want it.  Once this thing is filled with dirt, there will be no moving it, so I want to be sure I've placed it in the best spot.  I'll most likely use a hugelkultur-type method of filling it, like I do with my stock tank gardens.  Start with a layer of branches/logs, add leaves or natural mulch, waste hay from the mule pen, composted manure, and then soil.  As the layers decompose yearly, I just add more soil to the top.  I cannot wait to get my gardens set up!

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