Friday, January 20, 2023

Random Updates

20 days in and only four prairie coneflower seeds germinated, but they are doing well.  3 of the 4 now have their first set of true leaves, and one is about a week behind the rest. Only one of the Gerber Daisy seeds has germinated, and none of the Rudbeckia or Blue Mist Spirea.  

I suspect if I had a heat mat it might make a difference; for now I've lifted the seed tray using books to get it as close to the grow lamps as possible.  I'm going to dig out another seed tray and repeat the plantings on Feb. 1st, investing in a heat mat for this round, and see if I get better germination.  I'm happy enough with three healthy prairie coneflowers; I paid $15 for the three plants I collected the seeds from that I planted in my new garden last fall, so I've doubled my investment in less than a year...if I can get these seedlings to survive until June, when they can be planted out.
In early autumn I had spied a Virgin's Bower vine in seed near a telephone pole, and I stopped to grab some of those seeds a few weeks ago.  I'll try germinating them, and if they take they'll be planted in my woodland garden.  There's another giant project on my plate - I really need to get in there and start cleaning up that area.

I've been working on my needle felting project a little at a time.  It no longer looks like some kind of Island of Dr. Moreau cast-off and is more bunny-ish.  

 I was at a bit of a loss as to how to proceed at this point.  My intention was to make a realistic looking rabbit, but it became more and more toy rabbit looking.  I decided to go with the more whimsical toy look and gave him exaggerated back feet.  Then I couldn't figure out what to do with his front feet.  I had planned to do a standing rabbit, and in that case they hold their front paws to their chest, hanging down in front.  No matter how I positioned him, he just didn't look right.  In the end I needle felted a carrot for him to clutch.

I'm waiting for some new specialty needles to arrive from the UK.  I'm hoping to make him look a bit more finished before I declare him officially completed.  He'll be part of the Easter display I'm making for my mother, along with the felted eggs I've done.  I have to say, it's an addictive hobby and I'm really enjoying it.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Meet the new year, same as the old year.

 Three days in and that's how it feels.  How is it that on December 31st one is so filled with optimism and hope, and just days later the realization hits that nothing has changed and all hope is lost.  OK, maybe not lost.  Derailed?  At least we were treated to a stunning sunrise to end the year.

To lift the grey veil of winter depression, I wandered out to my little hillside garden (that's what I'm going to call the newly fenced vegetable/perennial holding bed area) to see what was happening.  To my surprise, I found my hellebore proudly showing off a few swollen flower buds.

There were traces of green in many of the beds; English daisy, veronica, yarrow, foxglove...all had decided to respond to the abundant daylight and warm temperatures.  Things look to be headed back to more seasonable temperatures, so I hope these plants aren't too bothered by that.  I can thank my mother for drilling into my head that hardy perennials are your best bet, and be sure they're appropriate for your USDA plant hardiness zone.  Despite being upgraded to Zone 5 (thanks, climate change) she'll still insist we're Zone 4 and any plant you have that isn't hardy for that zone, well, you're taking a chance.

After packing away the Christmas decorations and folding up the fake tree, I decided to bring up the seed starting shelves.  I couldn't bear to have them sit there empty, so I sowed a small tray of Gerber Daisies, Blue Mist Spirea, Rudbeckia, and Prairie Coneflower.  All of these were seeds I had collected, so I just want to know if they'll germinate.  I won't start anything else.  I need to keep repeating that to myself, otherwise I'll have six foot tall tomato plants on my dining room table come April.  😏

I've also started a new hobby, needle felting.  So far I've stabbed every one of my fingers and have some questionable looking Easter eggs to show for my efforts.  We won't talk about the Easter bunny that looks like a heavily pregnant monkey-chicken hybrid. I'll get better at it, once my fingers heal.