I've been busy, but it's not "WOW! Look what I've accomplished!" busy. Just getting a lot of little things done as summer winds down and fall sets in. We've had a couple good frosts, so I've started pulling plants in the vegetable garden. It looks so naked after being so lush all summer.

The track fence is going up very slowly. I hadn't thought about how difficult it would be to fill those massive holes by hand. Trying to hold a post in the hole, then using my feet to scrape dirt and rock in to try to keep the post upright, then shoveling in some more dirt and stones, leveling, tamping, leveling, shoveling, rolling large stones back into the hole, leveling, tamping...I'm averaging 2 posts per hour, and my back usually gives out by that point. I purchased a small snow plow for Reputa with the intention of using it as a grader blade and pushing the dirt, but it doesn't seem to fit, despite the model numbers matching up and everything I've read saying this plow should fit that tractor. My neighbor is working on retrofitting it to work, so fingers crossed. In the meantime...

I purchased a back pack sprayer and tried spraying the vegetation within the track with vinegar, but it doesn't seem to have done much to kill the leaves. Then again, we had a brief rain shower the next day, so it was probably washed off. I'll try again.
I've started to tackle the weedy mess on the tiered garden bank, too. The drought certainly hasn't bothered the crab grass and weeds at all.
About an hour of hand pulling and pitchfork work later...
I'm debating whether to pull that tier out and start over, or leave it and just move on. I think I'll build the next two tiers and see how much the bottom one bothers me.
Onward and upward.