I've decided on a contractor to build the barn, but we're running into some issues with my design. Seems I have too many doors and walls for the space and the type of foundation that will be used (large concrete blocks), so my dream barn may not be what I dreamt of. We'll see what happens. I'm just happy things are happening, honestly.
The gardens are doing well. We've had a good, rainy spring, and it's started to warm up enough that plants are beginning to thrive. My tomatoes and peas certainly have responded well, and my strawberries are crazy this year. Amazing for being in the same pot as last year. I've harvested all the radish and don't plan to plant more until later in the summer. The only thing that's really having issues are my pepper plants. I don't think I'll see any actual peppers this year, but I have a hard time giving up on them.