Ahhh, container crazy. My peas are coming along nicely; they've enjoyed the cold, damp, rainy spring we've been having. I've also liberated my strawberry plants from a different holding bed. I had buried them in the dirt, pot and all, and they did great over the winter. All I had to do this spring was wrench the pot from the ground and set it on a stump in the sun; it's already covered in blossoms.
I have some 20-odd tomatoes that survived my indifferent care and are happily residing in pots and buckets. Three are in the ground in a wintering bed, so it will be interesting to see if there is any difference in growth or abundance of fruit. *whips out notebook and scribbles furiously*
I invested in a cheap plastic raised bed, which is housing two kinds of radish and four radicchio plants. The radish are doing fantastic.
I've just planted lemon cucumber in the large stock tank, and Genovese basil in the back of it. The smaller stock tank has more radicchio, but it's not doing well. I'll give it time before I give up completely.
The white planter and the three tiered planter are mesclun greens, mustard greens, and spinach.
In one bed I have some of my perennial flowers, and in the other are a few tomatoes, sweet and hot pepper plants, celery, and some lamb's ear that I started from seed.
I need to figure out where I want to plant pumpkins and squash. I had planned to make a hugelkultur garden out of a brush pile that was near the house, however I just found out that's where the leach field for the new septic will be going. Well, balls. I'll figure something out, I suppose. It's not like there's a lack of space!